Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Metroblogging New Orleans

"French Quarter Update

Earlier this afternoon I called CDs Saloon, prompted by a post on's Vieux Carre forum that indicated that people were there. It was confirmed that all the news sources that said yesterday that the quarter had 6 to 8 feet of flooding were purely false.

Yesterday I saw a CNN video report online that indicated that the reporter was standing in the quarter - on common street - while the water was rising. Usually it's the tourists that ask where the quarter is while they're standing in it. So much for responsible journalism. It's like telling me that my house just collapsed...and then saying "Oh, sorry. Wrong neighborhood." Jerk.

The only street that is flooded is Conti because of some kind of water valve breakage coming for the Wax Museum.
I didn't hear abot the degree of flooding."

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