Saturday, March 19, 2005

I know it's Saturday...

but if I've been scarce here it's because I've been loading up my new knitting sublog, Defarge, also under Links over there on the right, today. I joined a knitalong--I had no idea there were such things--and I thought I should put up some pictures of knitting I used to do so they'd have a clue who I was. Before my yarn gets here to start the project.

I also know it's ridiculous to knit in Florida, but I'm still grabbing every opportunity and this one looks so wonderful. All these folks knit such beautiful things and it looks like there's designing going on there as well, I've never had that kind of company before; I was always the only one around. Perhaps this will lead me somewhere, give me another string (ouch!) Anyway, it was fun taking the pictures of the old things that have been stored in the cedar chest for too long, like me. The sweater coat and shawl that took me to Italy; the giant one-size green aran that I lent J there. Boy, I've missed them!

Defarge, it turns out is a popular name. I couldn't use it for my actual blog address; there already is a Defarge on blogspot. But it's in Italian (!), seems to be defunct, and it doesn't seem to be about knitting (!!) Maybe it's about revolution? no, wait, Derrida?... Pizza? "e voi? V'intendete di rock'n'roll, di lirica, di formaggi piemontesi o di architettura decostruttivista? Siete generalisti o sistematici? Vi specializzate o prendete un po' di qua e un po' di la', come a un buffet? Fumetti? Televisione? Design? Nouvelle vague? Realismo sovietico? Esistenzialismo scandinavo? Soft-porno giapponese? Bombolo? Eleonora Duse?" It must be as eclectic as I am. Sigh. The most beautiful language I don't know.

So anyway, I used the name, just changed the address to one under my own eez rubric. Meanwhile, out in the larger world, and IRL as well I presume, the prototype, Lafarge, is become a French building materials company or something like (take that, Chuck!) and has been thus claimed. But I decided I still wanted to have a knitting Defarge, et voila! Ecco.

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