Friday, May 20, 2005

which is why we left california

"The notion that a part of Atlantis lay in the Bahamas, however, had come not from Steiner but from another Atlantean clairvoyant named Edgar Cayce -- the famous 'sleeping prophet.' A mild-mannered Midwesterner who began his life as a stationery salesman and Sunday-school teacher, Cayce gained an enormous following as a result of his ability to diagnose and cure illnesses while in a state of trance. In the course of these diagnoses, Cayce was given to making lengthy asides on other topics, many of which took the waking, everyday Cayce quite aback when he heard about them later. A good number of these strange asides concerned Atlantis. It was the entranced Cayce's opinion that the lost continent would re-emerge in the late twentieth century from the depths of the Atlantic, where it had lain since its submergence in a great cataclysm that occurred some 10,000 years ago."

April 1969, it was to be. California was to fall into the sea. We left in the fall of '68, just about the time Nixon was being elected, a few months after Martin and Bobby were killed. The signs were not good. My mother had even thought to send me to Florida, I later learned to stay with her sister, because California was going to fall into the sea. My aunt, who was childless and I a teenager, said no and so, no other way to get me out, my mother sold up our home just outside San Francisco--for $26,000 making 100% profit on their 1956 purchase price--and we took off. I asked her, if Atlantis was going to rise in the Caribbean to such an extent that it would cause California to fall into the sea, what did she think would happen to Florida, wouldn't it become perpendicular? She hadn't thought of that; Cayce hadn't said anything about Florida. Nonetheless, my life was never the same again. But then it wouldn't have been anyway. It was 1968, after all.


Anonymous said...

there's something to hope for. bring on those mf'ing raiders. i'm ready.

good story btw, i hope there's more. (opening gaping birdie beak toward sky).

will there be gators?

...e... said...

OMG! Holy crap! I had never even thought of it! It's my life, the first turning point of my life, I never thought about making a story--I'm a visual artist, see. But I can write, I just don't. Holy crap! (Will blogger ban me for holy crap?)

There could be anything!

Christopher Locke said...

The crocs came up out of the Gulf of Mexico by the tens of thousands. No one had ever seen so many. With California half gone and Florida upended, there were not enough places left to escape to. What would we have done without the sudden hailstorms that drove these foul reptiles back into the sea? For months, the people gave thanks for Global Warming, and thus the New Religion was born, its icon a writhing golden alligator pierced with a turquoise lightning bolt.