Saturday, January 29, 2005


So about a decade ago give or take a year or six, Allison asked me to find a Sanatayana quote, which I couldn't. Then, some five years ago I found her again in a Googlesearch, asking about the same quote on a Sanatayana site. Last night I looked for her again, but that 2000 query is still all that remains. I googled the quote again and this time I got a hit: someone had posted it in a blog in China, which Google kindly translated for me, and they had the cite.

Woefully, I responded to the old query. But still I have not found Allison. I did find a document saying that the NYC building where we lived in the 80's had been, circra 1912, called the "God Box" because it was then the headquarters of several American church denominations. Apparently neither of us finished our Ph.Ds as I don't find her in Dissertation Abstracts. Perhaps she is still at the God Box. Perhaps she is in China discussing Santayana. Perhaps, even, she might be in Eureka, she might be anywhere.

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